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Tessa Holyoake

We are very sad to hear the news of the death of our friend and colleague Tessa Holyoake. 

'Along with her many other achievements Tessa was an integral part of the iCMLf Advisory committee. She was also Co-Chair of our annual iCMLf/ESH John Goldman Meeting. She was always quick with advice and ideas. Even as her health was failing she continued to make critical contributions to the upcoming meeting. Tessa hosted iCMLf clinical preceptors since 2015. It is testament to her inspirational leadership and generosity that so many preceptors that visited Tessa in Glasgow became long term collaborators. 

She will be sorely missed both personally and professionally'.
(Tim Hughes, Chairman of the iCMLf)

'Tessa was a brilliant scientist, passionate about finding a cure for CML through understanding the core of the biology of the disease. She was innovative and highly productive. But most of all, she was a warm and caring person who endeared everyone around her. We have suffered another irreparable loss in the CML community'.
(Jorge Cortes, Member of the Board of Directors of the iCMLf) 


Read more about Tessa's work here