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ERSAP Preceptorship Program continuing in 2013


Applications for the 2013 program are now open and we still have many countries to reach so please share the information about this preceptorship program with colleagues who may benefit. Completed application forms should be emailed to


This program is designed for clinicians from emerging economic regions with a specific interest in the treatment of CML and a significant CML patient load. The program enhances clinical knowledge and skills in the treatment of CML through preceptorships at internationally renowned CML centres.

Participants are part of the clinical team at the host site for the duration of the preceptorship, undertaking seminars and laboratory work where appropriate.  Through this practical application of learning, clinicians attending the preceptorship have the opportunity to develop and enhance clinical knowledge to take back and share with colleagues in their country of origin. The programs are 'no profit' for the specialist CML centres, which donate their staff and resources to facilitate the program. More information about the ERSAP Clinical Preceptorship Program can be found in the program brochure.

About to start its forth year, the ERSAP Clinical Preceptorship Program is having a positive impact in the treatment of CML across emerging economic regions. Feedback from preceptors has confirmed that the goals of the program are being met, indicating improved knowledge and plans to share this with colleagues at home. Preceptors form collaborations with the host centre and many are undertaking further research projects. 


The following comments are examples of this feedback:

  • "It was an honor and a pleasure to have participated in this training, despite the vast difference between these institutions and hospitals in developing countries. It is certain that all is not feasible to us but we can certainly learn to improve our management." -- TH Madagascar
  • "…it was very useful to learn both the clinical and laboratory aspects of Quantitative BCR ABL and I think this will certainly improve the management of our patients." -- RS Pakistan
  • "…I have clarity in my mind on how to proceed with management of patients who become resistant to first line tyrosine kinase inhibitors and even those who are resistant to second-line TKIs." -- PM India