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× To share and enhance best practice management of CML, experts and interested clinicians can discuss difficult or interesting CML cases here. Physicians submit a brief history of the patient and the case for discussion (no more than 200 words) by posting it in this forum ("New Discussion" button below). Please include the country of origin.

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imatinib or nilotinib patient exposed to Ebola?

9 years 5 months ago #1000 by michael.mauro
Colleagues, collaborators,
As many are aware there is in vitro data that ebola virus requires ABL kinase to establish infection and replicate. There is no animal or human data yet on this possible role for ABL kinase inhibitors to prevent/limit infection to ebola as well as other viral infections.

To support this theory, I would inquire with this broad audience, including colleagues working in ebola risk regions, if they are aware of CML patients on imatinib or nilotinib who may have shown evidence of protection from ebola. Writing up such information would be very helpful as there are efforts ongoing to move animal studies forward to test the potential for our CML drugs to potentially be helpful in this dreadful infectious disease crisis.

Please feel free to respond as well directly to me at Thank you for reading this, and please feel free to pass my email on to others who may have such information to review and potentially organize.

Michael Mauro
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
Moderators: Nicolaarlene