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    Giuseppe Saglio

    February 2021 - We are delighted to announce that Professor Giuseppe Saglio, Professor of Haematology and Internal Medicine at the University of Turin (Italy) has been awarded the 2021 Goldman Prize. The annual Goldman Prize, awarded in honour of Professor John Goldman, acknowledges outstanding contributions to the management of patients with CML and Professor Saglio is universally regarded as one of the greatest experts in CML treatment.

    Professor Saglio is recognized as a leading expert in the fields of molecular characterization of CML and other haematological malignancies, molecular diagnostics and the clinical development of molecularly targeted therapies for CML. During his long career he has been involved in numerous clinical trials evaluating first and second-line TKI treatments for CML, including ENESTnd, ENESTFreedom, DASISION and DASCERN.

    He is also member of various expert panels, including the European LeukemiaNet, and is co-chairman of the GIMEMA CML Working Party. His expertise has found its way into various treatment recommendations, expert opinions and position papers that have significantly advanced the management of CML. Dr Saglio has been invited speaker at hundreds of international meetings and educational events worldwide, highly appreciated for his communication skills, and is a very eclectic person, with many interests and a great culture in many other fields besides science.

    Giuseppe Saglio is a Professor of Haematology and Internal Medicine at the University of Turin. Until retirement he was Head of the Division of Haematology at the Mauriziano Hospital at the University of Turin and previously Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at the San Luigi University Hospital of Turin. He graduated from the University of Turin in 1975. Since then he studied Internal Medicine at the University of Turin, Haematology at the University of Milan and Molecular Biology at the University of Leiden, Inserm-Creteil, Paris and the University of California.

    Dr. Saglio has published more than 500 peer-reviewed articles in the fields of molecular pathogenesis of haematological diseases, molecularly targeted therapy and molecular characterization of haematological malignancies. He is also reviewer of numerous medical journals including Blood, British Journal of Haematology, Leukemia, Bone Marrow Transplantation, European Journal of Hematology and Haematologica.