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Ricardo Teixeira Fernandes, M.D.

Executive Director of the OncoHemato Clinic

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilFoto - Dr. Ricardo Teixeira

Dr. Ricardo Teixeira is the Executive Director of the OncoHemato Clinic in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). He specialized in medical oncology and clinical hematology according to the guidelines of the Brazilian Medical Association. He graduated in medicine at the School of Medicine at the Fluminense Federal University in Niterói in the State of Rio de Janeiro and made his residency at the Lagoa hospital in Rio de Janeiro. He undertook a visitorship at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and John Hopkins Hospital in the USA. He is fellow of the Oncological Institute of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital of the Complutensis University and Master in Palliative Medicine (Madrid Autonoma University in Madrid, Spain). Dr Teixeira used to be chief of the Clinic of Medical Oncology and Clinical Hematology in the São Paulo Air Hospital and Chief at the Bonsucesso General Hospital in Rio de Janeiro.

Dr. Teixeira has published many articles on various subjects in clinical hematology and medical oncology in important international periodics. His last publication was the official publication of the Mexican Hematology Society about CML. He participated in the first clinical trial with Mitoxantrone in Brazil.

Dr. Texeira has recently undertaken a 4-weeks preceptorship at the Leukemia Department in M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (University of Texas). He will disseminate the preceptorship program of the iCMLf in Brazil in order to offer this training to young hematologists.