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iCMLf Prizes


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    Your contribution supports research in CML and helps to make cure a reality for patients with CML one day.

    Please donate now to drive research in CML.

    Over the past decades, significant advances have been made in the treatment and monitoring of CML. But a cure for CML is still an unmet need.

    “A concerted global effort working towards a cure is imperative. The iCMLf is uniquely positioned to drive this effort.”
    – Tim Hughes, iCMLf Chairman

    The iCMLf has launched global research collaborations to accelerate the development of more effective and safer treatment strategies with the view that ultimately these will lead to a cure for CML.

    Learn more about the iCMLf CURE Consortium >>

    Our mission is to improve the outcomes for patients with CML globally.

    Let's work together on this to drive research on a cure for CML.

    Every contribution counts

    Please note: fields marked with a star (*) are required.