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iCMLf Prizes


    New Drugs in the Treatment of CML

    Jorge Cortes, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

    Please click on the image below to watch the webcast, and a window will open. You can then also click on the slides to jump to certain sections of the presentation. Please share your feedback below, and view the other Virtual Education Program modules.


    edut-cortes 260


    Issues covered

    • Unmet medical needs in currently available CML treatments
    • Treatment options for CML with T315I mutation
    • Treatment options after TKI intolerance
    • Trial results with bosutinib, ponatinib, omacetaxine
    • Results from studies investigating imatinib + interferon

    Has this been helpful? Please provide your comments here:

    Facteur de variabilité de la réponse au ITK</li>
                  <li>Les trois grand mécanismes de résistance</li>
                  <li>La réponse au traitement</li>
                  <li>Autres inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase: le Nilotinib et le Dasatinib