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Keynote presentations from the recipients of the 2023 iCMLf Prizes

The 2023 iCMLf prize winners have been awarded their prizes during the 25th John Goldman Conference on CML: Biology and Therapy in Mandelieu (France).  After the award ceremony, they shared insights into their scientific and clinical work for CML over the past years during keynote presentations. You can view recordings of the Rowley Prize, the Goldman Prize and the iCMLf Prize keynote presentations here.

Collage 2023 Prize recipients
  • 2023 Rowley Prize: Professor Jerry Radich (USA)
  • 2023 Goldman Prize: Professor François Guilhot (France)
  • 2023 iCMLf Prize: Professor Irina Dyagil  /
    Dr Kostyantyn Kotlyarchuk (Ukraine)


Rowley Prize Award KopieJanet Rowley Prize Award 2023

Presenter: Michael Deininger (Milwaukee, USA)
Awardee: Jerry Radich
(Seattle, USA)




Keynote Rowley Prize 2023:
CML is still important and relevant

Professor Jerry Radich (Seattle, USA)
Director of the Radich Laboratory and the Molecular Oncology Laboratory at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle (USA)



 Read the abstract of the Rowley Prize 2023 keynote presentation here


Goldman Award KopieJohn Goldman Prize Award 2023

Presenter: François-Xavier Mahon
(Bordeaux, France)
Awardee: François Guilhot
(Poitiers, France)


Keynote Goldman Prize 2023:
From IRIS to SPIRIT toward treatment discontinuation for CML patients

Professor François Guilhot (Poitiers, France)
Emeritus Professor of Hematology and the past Director of the Clinical Investigation Center, 1402 INSERM in Poitiers (France)


 Read the abstract of the Goldman Prize 2023 keynote presentation here


iCMLf Prize award Kopie

iCMLf Prize Award 2023

Presenter: Giuseppe Saglio
(Turin, Italy)
Awardees: Irina Dyagil
(Kyiv, Ukraine)
Kostyantyn Kotlyarchuk
(Lviv, Ukraine)


Keynote iCMLf Prize 2023:
Hematology service for CML patients in Ukraine: challenges and successes

Professor Irina Dyagil (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Head of the Department of Radiation Oncohematology, National Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
Kyiv (Ukraine)

Dr Kostyantyn Kotlyarchuk (Lviv, Ukraine)
Head of the Hematology Department SI ‘Institute of Blood Pathology and Transfusion Medicine NAMS’, Lviv (Ukraine)

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 Read the abstract of the iCMLf Prize 2023 keynote presentation here