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Non-adherence of CML patients

Results of the global adherence survey of the CML Advocates Network
Giora Sharf, CML Advocates Network


Issues covered:

  • Results of the global adherence survey of 2546 CML patients from 79 countries
  • Intentional and non-intentional non-adherence levels
  • Differences between countries, type of TKI, administration schedule, age groups, perception of quality of life and side effects
  • Tools to drive adherence and importance of routine


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Facteur de variabilité de la réponse au ITK</li>
              <li>Les trois grand mécanismes de résistance</li>
              <li>La réponse au traitement</li>
              <li>Autres inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase: le Nilotinib et le Dasatinib

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