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iStock 1203771991 CoronavirusJune 2020 - The International CML Foundation is holding a series of four webinars focused on the care of people with CML during the COVID-19 crisis.

Beginning in late June, for four weeks, we will be hosting conversations with renowned experts in CML, who will be sharing their experiences and perspectives, also addressing key questions around CML and COVID-19.
An important part of each conversation will be questions from the audience.

Please join us on the following webinars:

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June 2020 - The 25th Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA) will be held as a virtual meeting. The 10-day program will take place from June 11-21, 2020. On-demand sessions will be accessible until October 15, 2020.

To help you plan your CML meeting schedule for the 25th EHA Congress, we have compiled a list of all CML related sessions for your convenience. This include on-demand sessions, live sessions and a list of abstracts.

Download the CML Session overview here
To register for the 25th Congress of EHA click here



Jeff LiptonMay 2020 - During this pandemic, we continuously strive to provide you with current information about COVID-19 and CML. This also includes individual expert opinions on various topics related to COVID-19 and CML.

Today we are pleased to share with you an expert opinion on interferon and CML during the COVID-19 pandemic by Professor Jeff Lipton from the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, Canada.

You will find this and other expert opinions on the iCMLf COVID-19 hub that will continously be updated with recent information on COVID-19 and CML.

Please read the full expert opinion below. 

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April 2020 - In addition to our current, urgent commitment to support the CML community with reliable information about COVID-19 and CML during the pandemic, we also continue with our efforts working towards a cure for CML.

Thanks to the funds raised with the Climb for a cure Mount Kilimanjaro in November 2019 we can now begin projects within the iCMLf CURE CONSORTIUM. The iCMLf Genomics Alliance is investigating the role particular somatic mutations play in clinical outcomes. The new iCMLf TFR Alliance, will explore key factors responsible for both successful and unsuccessful treatment free remission attempts.

WorldHealthDay 2020April 2020 - Today is World Health Day recognising the work of nurses and midwives. In these extraordinary times during the novel coronavirus outbreak we would also like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the incredible work of all the nurses, physicians and healthcare providers looking after people with CML all over the world.

We sincerely thank you for the work you are doing.

CoronavirusApril 2020 - In this ever changing pandemic keeping up to date with reliable information is important. In this spirit we share with you some frequently asked questions and answers about CML and COVID-19 put together by Dr Delphine Réa from Saint-Louis University Hospital, Paris. This was written on behalf of the European Heamatology Association CML Scientific Working Group on 29th March and is shared with permission.

It is important to note that the questions and answers below refer to chronic phase CML. Management of accelerated phase, blast crisis or post-transplant should be discussed in detail with the clinical team.